IIN number of BHAVANI SAHAKARI BANK LTD is 990103.
IIN/BIN Number | 990103 |
Bank Code | BVSX |
MICR Code | 400068261 |
IFSC Code | IBKL0579BSB |
ACH CR | Yes |
ACH DR | Yes |
APBS | Yes |
NPCI registered | YES |
What is the IIN number?
BIN code (Bank Identification Number), sometimes referred to as IIN (Issuer Identification Number). is a six-digit number range according to The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / IEC 7812-1issued in 2006. This number is used to identify the card-issuing institution in an international interchange environment. The first 6 or 8 digits of a payment card number (credit cards, debit cards, etc.) are known as the Issuer Identification Numbers (IIN), previously known as Bank Identification Number (BIN). These identify the institution that issued the card to the cardholder.